Packaging: Lancôme has selected Axilone to create specific packaging parts in plastic and metal for its premium Absolue l’Extrait range's serum and eau de soin.
Company: Axilone
Description: For the 30 and 150ml jars of the two skincare products, Axilone developed a total of 16 parts, including the lid, collar, facing plate and the base of the jar. The collars are made up of a pump hider with a shoulder plate assembled between them. The lids are in four pieces: a glued plastic PP insert with an engraved aluminum overcap, and an aluminum chimney as well as internal metal ballast. The base of the jar as well as the facing plate are in metal with an anodized gold finish.
The facing plate is decorated using black pad printing. Axilone Metal was subjected to a very specialized set of specifications. For the lid, assembling the plastic and metal parts by tightening and gluing, through close collaboration between Axilone Plastique and Axilone Metal, the project leader. The two lid formats were developed in parallel, producing several moulds for the plastic part and developing specific toolings for the complex parts of the cap. The slightly incurved plate required precise cutting to facilitate insertion into the facing hollowed out of the glass.
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